Hot Weather Again

Tomorrow is supposed to be 99 degrees with some 100+ degree days after that. Got to wake up early about 6a.m. to get started watering before the bees get active.

Look to harvest while I’m watering to leverage time.

I also need to place a seed order for fall seeds and take inventory of the seeds I have on hand and prep plan for fall planting.

Food Post #2 8/11/23

Another food post but I won’t usually do it this way. To post everything that I eat one post at a time during the day as I eat would be very time consuming. I’m definitely going to have to do this fewer times a day moving forward. Maybe I’ll post food pics 2 or 3 times a day and group them together. I would also have to include supplements in the pics.

Food Post #1 8/11/23

This is the first thing that I ate today. I just wanted to post something real quick but in the future I think I will just upload the days food pics all at once at night after I’m done eating for the day or at 12 midnight which ever comes first.. This will also help with scheduling meals.

The Day Before The First Day

Starting tomorrow I will begin taking pics of all meals and logging my workouts with some training details.

For instance today some of the training highlights were 1 2 5 round kick 3 oh right 3 round kick knee, knee tornado push up. 100 hoping side kicks each side and 50 fire hydrants each leg.

Meditation, Time Blocking, Journaling, Writing, Gardening, Organization, Stretching. What was Good and What was Bad

As I do this longer things should become more clear and organized.